Support Palestine

 min read
May 29, 2024
Gaza Lives Link Tree

Links to call for a ceasefire, donation suggestions, and more.

Palestine Children's Relief Fund

Address urgent humanitarian needs and support long-term recovery in Gaza.


From their website: Since October 7th, Gaza has faced big internet connection problems. Communication towers have been targeted and there are very limited areas where internet connection is still available. So, how are Palestinians sharing photos and videos of what is happening in Gaza? The answer is: through eSIM donations.

You can also donate to this website.


From their website: "The Palestinian Youth Movement is a grassroots and independent movement of Palestinian and Arab youth struggling toward the liberation of our homeland and our people."

Safebow Gaza Aid

A grassroots team of international and local aid workers passionate about providing vital aid resources to people navigating / fleeing warzones around the world. ​ Having successfully operated in 6 other war and conflict zones, Safebow has found Gaza, Palestine to be the most underserved and complex region yet. ​


And while you're at it, you might considering support others in Congo and Sudan:


From their website: Women and children fleeing deadly violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have reported surviving gruesome sexual attacks and genital mutilation by armed men.


From their website: Over 10 million children in Sudan have been repeatedly exposed to deadly violence over the past year of war.

More donation suggestions here.